
Tuesday, 5 April 2011

messenger of water

And We created from water every living thing. "(Surat al-Anbiya: 30)
In the books of classical interpretation, the verse means that without water all going to die of thirst. but in Japan, Dr. Masaru Emoto from Yokohama University diligently doing research on the behavior of water. Pure water from springs on the island of Honshu prayed Shinto religion, then cooled to-5oC in the lab, then photographed with an electron microscope with high-speed camera. It turned out that water molecules form a hexagonal crystals are beautiful. The experiment was repeated by reading the words, "Arigato (thank you in Japanese)" in front of bottled water. Re-formed crystals are very beautiful. Then try writing letters to expose the Japanese, "Arigato".

Crystals formed with the same beauty. Further shown the word "devil", a bad-shaped crystals. Symphony music played Mozart, flower-shaped crystals appear. When music is played heavy metal, shattered crystal.

When 500 people concentrate concentrate the message "peace" in front of a bottle of water, the water was crystal ramify expand gracefully. And when tested recited the Islamic prayers, hexagonal crystals with five branches of leaves appear shiny. Subhanallah. Dr. Emoto eventually traveled the world to experiment with water in Switzerland, Berlin, France, Palestine, and he was later invited to the UN Headquarters in New York to present his findings in March 2005. It turned out that water can "hear" the words, can "read" the writing, and can "understand" message.

In his book The Hidden Messages in Water, Dr. Masaru Emoto describes that water is able to record a message, such as magnetic tape or compact disc. The stronger the concentration of its message, the more the message printed on the water. Water can transfer the message via another water molecule. Perhaps these findings could explain, why the prayer of water can heal the sick. First, we deem polytheistic, or at least we think is just a suggestion, but it turns out that the water molecules get the message of healing prayer, save it, then vibration propagating to other water molecules in the body of the sick.

The human body is 75% composed of water. Brain 74.5% water. Blood 82% water. Hard bone also contains 22% water. Gallons of water at home, every day can be prayed with khusyu to God, so that children who drank pious, healthy, and intelligent, and to remain faithful husbands who drink. The water line will proceed in the body to the water forward messages in the brain and blood vessels. With the permission of Allah, the message body will be carried out without us knowing it.

When drinking water in a city with a serious prayer for piety, God willing, all the people who drink it will be nice and not violent. Messenger of Allah. says, "Zamzam five syuriba lahu", "Zamzam water will carry the message and intention of drinking it. " Whoever drank so satisfied, he will be satisfied. Whoever drank to cure illness, he will be cured. Subhanallah ... Zamzam water is worth so nutritious because he kept the message of prayer of millions of people for thousands of years since the Prophet Ibrahim
A Japanese scientist has pioneered. Muslim scholars must continue the study of life, according to Al Quran and Hadith. And Allaah knows best ...

adopted from: INAFE 2006


TEN testament
Read-Then-Renungilah charity Continues
by Ash-Shaheed Al-Imam Hasan Al Bana

• If you hear the call to prayer, then rose pray immediately, although how the situation though.

• Read Al-Quran or seen books or go hear contemplates the good or give dhikrullah and do not be at all times even if you throw anything in case that is not useful.

• Seek to how much effort to speak in Arabic Arabic because really correct (it is the only Islamic syiar).

• Do a lot of fight in any case even if because empty argument that does not give any anything too good.

• Do a lot of laughter because eternally liver eternally connect with God is more peaceful calm.

• Do not joke because people who are struggling to understand but it does not mean it in every case.

• Do you speak more loudly than the levels desired by the listener because a loud conversation is a trait that is so useless even hurt some one.

• Stay away from the swearing- people and also stay away from criticizing growths and do not talk but nothing that should give virtue.

•-anxious to get to know each of your Muslim brother to see him even if he does not ask you to meet because principle of movement is we love and get to know-acquaintances.

• Obligations of us more than the period that lies with us, by his own brother's help about the ways how about to use the time with useful and if you have the task yourself then concise implementation.

Monday, 4 April 2011


Neighbourhood rules

Neighbourhood rules

assalamualaikum. wr.wb
1. God wills to do good to the neighbors.

Allah says:
واعبدوا الله ولا تشركوا به شيئا وبالوالدين إحسانا
وبذي القربى واليتامى والمساكين والجار ذي القربى والجار الجنب
"Beribadalah to God and do not associate him with anything. And do good to both Mom Dad, close relatives, orphans, poor people, neighbors near and far neighbors "
(An Nisaa 4. 36)
Rasulullah SAW said:
"At best friend the sight of Allah is the best of friends
and the best neighbor sight of Allah is the best person against his neighbors "
(Reported by Tirmidhi 1944)

2. Right close neighbors.

From Ayesha z said:
"I asked the Messenger of n:
"O Messenger of I have two neighbors,
to whom I give gifts?
He replied:
"To the closest door to you! "
(Bukhari 6020)
From Ibn Abbas that the Messenger of z n said:
"It is not a believer that he felt satisfied
while neighbors starve "
(Bukhari 112)
Rasulullah SAW said:
"O Abu Dhar if you cook meat sauce then multiply the water and see your neighbor! "
(Muslim 2625)
From Abu Hurairah that the Prophet z n said:
"Do not be a neighbor prohibit other neighbors to put the wood on the walls! "
(Bukhari 2463)

3. Illicit hurting neighbors.

From Abu Hurairah that the Prophet z n said:
"Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day
it should not hurt his neighbor "
(Bukhari 6018)

From Abu Syuraih z that Rasululah n said:
"By Allah does not believe with perfect faith that he
say it three times asked her:
"Who's Messenger of Allah? "
He replied:
"He was a neighbor does not feel safe from the disorder"
(HR Bukari 6016)
From Abu Hurairah z he said:
"Someone asked the Messenger of Allah Messenger of n there is an industrious woman evening prayers and fasting during the day, and share,
but he hurt his neighbor with his tongue?
So Rasulullah replied:
"There is no good to him! He included the inhabitants of Hell!
They asked again:
"There is a woman whose only prayer is mandatory and share it with a piece of cheese will not hurt but he's a neighbor!
Rasulullah replied:
"He included residents of Heaven! "
(Reported by Ahmad, 2 / 440)
From Ibn Mas'ud z said: "I asked the Messenger of n"
Sin is the greatest sight of Allah? He replied:
"You make a rival to Allah, while he who created you" I said, Truly this is very big sin "
I will ask again:
"Then, let alone Messenger of Allah? "He replied:
"You killed your son because he's afraid to eat with you"
I asked again: "Then what else, O Messenger of Allah? "
He replied:
"You committed adultery with the wife of thy neighbor"
(Bukhari 4477)

4. Neighbors hurt us?

From Abu Hurairah z said:
"There's a man who came to the Messenger of n complained about his neighbor who is always hurt the Messenger of n said:
"Go back and be patient" person remains the prophet, two to three times until the Messenger of Allah said: "Go back and place the bags of goods on the street" then he too did as the Prophet diperintahakan by putting the goods road. people suddenly came to ask the subject with a heavy heart, the person is told the problem with a neighbor who is always hurt, nobody paid to hear it once cursed (neighbor and said:
"May God repay! "
the neighbor who often hurt him come and say to him:
"Come back! You will not see any more from me
what you hate all this! "
(Abu Dawud 5153)

5. Taking refuge from a bad neighbor.

From Abu Hurairah z said:
"It is included n the Prophet prayed, he prayed:
"O Allah I seek refuge in You from a bad neighbor in this world because the neighbors in this world will change"
(Bukhari in regulation Mufrod 117)

Thursday, 17 February 2011

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Friday, 11 February 2011


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